Monday, June 11, 2007

Captaincy debate....

I was impressed with Adrians approach last year. Strengths lie in blatant intimidation of opposition and umpires employed so successfully against LS CC. Weaknesses difficult to establish, perhaps a little too severe on injured team mates.

Tony of course adds that extra strategic dimension and given todays technology he could still captain on a "virtual" basis even while in Africa.

Given hoppys anorak approach this wouldn't be the case whilst on a combine.

Jasons too involved with property development whilst Ian Harris has yet to prove himself at the lowest level.

Jeremy will be applying his trade elsewhere if the MCC grapevine is to be believed

That leaves Roy Hopperton, Martin Banks and Pete Pullan and it's difficult to make a case for any of these without a huge stretch of ones imagination.

I have my supporters but I'll be spending more time with an extended family, which one remains to be seen.

To conclude I'd take Adrian as Captain with Tony offering added value governance from deep third man.


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