Thursday, March 29, 2012

Juniors section 2012....

JUNIOR CRICKET at Little Staughton Playing Field
Commencing Wed. 18th April 2012, 6-7pm

For the 5th consecutive year since being refounded, LSVCC is running weekly junior cricket coaching sessions throughout the summer months. Jem Price and Rory Richards are kindly helping with coaching this year. As with last year, there is a charge of £10 per family (cheques please payable to Little Staughton Village Cricket Club). We hope parents will understand that this contributes towards annual costs of essential insurance, equipment and prizes. Please could parents/carers complete a membership form and return it with their remittance to Richard or Roy. The club policy on Safeguarding Children and Child Protection is on the club website. Whilst we look forward to a busy season, occasionally it is necessary to cancel a session unexpectedly due to adverse weather etc. In that circumstance, it is our intention to contact parents/carers by text message as soon as possible.

Richard Smith Tel. 07981 002889 / 01234 376171
Cherry Trees | High Street | Little Staughton | Bedfordshire | MK44 2BH |
Roy Palmer Tel. 01234 708777
Please check the LSVCC website for updates
